Sunday, April 5, 2009

TWEET! (What the?) TWEET! TWEET! TWEET! (Annoyed Sigh...) TWEEET! (Shot Gun Loads...) TWEE-(Shot Gun BLAST!)... Silence... Relieved Sigh..

OH MY GAWD! ITS TWITTER!!!!! Who cares?! It's quite hysterical to me how rapidly things change.. The newest phone..  Newest car... Newest Internet Sensation.. Im sorry, but do you really want people to know what your doing, every time you decide to do something? OMG! I'm Listening to music!.... Now I'm Driving my- (CRASH!) (GLASS SHATTERS!).. This whole idea is stupid... What ever happened to wanting privacy? Are people so dependent on wanting attention and wanting people to know every move they make? Come on... Stick to Facebook... 

This Is Madness!...

Im so sick... Of people who are Hypocrites... Okay, sure we are all a little hypocritical.. But those of us, who are Hypocrites constantly, piss me the H3!! off... Like take for example someone i used to be friends with... I wont say her name, or give her a fake name... But she was so 2-faced... She would say: OMG! I hate all this drama that girls create.. They talk about each other behind their backs, blah, blah, blah... Sounds like something a respected, respectful, (maybe even adult) thing to say? NO!!!!! Not even Five minutes after saying that very comment... Oh my GAWD! Look its: (BLEEP).. Look at her! Does she know what a thigh master is?... I couldn't believe what i was hearing... I understand that people do that from time to time... We all know, no one is Perfect.. But that was one of many examples of things she has said... I will admit, I probably should control my mouth some of the time.. But i dont go around preaching to people about things that i hate, that other people do... Nope... I'm straight forward... And I'm not afraid to admit that... I have many flaws.. But i'm not a Hypocrite... and that counts for alot...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Wow.. No School for a week? What to do?!

Phew! A week of nothingness... Feels good.. Unfortunately, in this little "bodunk" town... THERES NOTHIN TO DO! There's only so much one can do, when one doesnt have, a: Car, Money, a car, Money... Oh did I mention a car and money? I am soooooooo bored... You know what they say... No not really... I don't really know what they say....  I dont even know who: "They" is... Ugh.. If I Could have any fantasy come true, Albert Lea would have things to do... Like a NICE mall with interesting stores in it.... Like Rochester! W/O the a-hole people...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"Were spending ourselves into oblivion." Haha right... And I'm an illegal immigrant... Oh.. Wait... That was a joke...

I know this is a tough pill for Republicans to swallow, but its about time they decided to swallow something for the sake of their party. Do I want Republicans to continue to have any part in the decision making for the country? Hell no! As far as I'm concerned, they can just go hide under a rock and keep their unhelpful, "racist, sexist, homophobic" and "God-driven" ideologies to themselves. But that wouldn't be a democracy would it? So I suppose since we live in a democratic country, its only fair that they get their chance to talk. However, they could choose to bring some more helpful and intelligent ideas to the table, instead of the same old "solutions" they blabber about. Look its quite simple, we tried your ideas, they didn't work. If it hasn't been apparent, your policies were what got the U.S. into this mess in the first place. The last eight years has been like a giant kick in the balls, except instead of it just being one kick, there kept on being more and more of these kicks! (Women think of it like its giving birth to a 13lb baby every month for 8 years.) So Next time you hear some Republican congressman from southern Alabama blabber on about how Obama's destroying this country.. Remember what I've told you... And change the channel.. Cause who knows... Maybe Spongebob's on!

Sorry Mr. Worth!

Sorry Mr. Worth and everyone who reads my blog. I've been "grounded" from the computer for quite some time now so I'd appreciate you not getting mad about my not blogging.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Leave Britney Alone!

You know what really grinds my gears? The paparazzi! Following celebs around when they go anywhere is just plain disgusting... (OMG! Look! Owen Wilson! And he just came out from Starbucks! Hes just like a regular person! Now everyone needs to see this!)
Its like these people have no life and they just follow around these celebrities like a hungry dog... 


And these smut magazines: "Obama only has 3 months to live, Doctor says." or this one which always makes me laugh ruefully: "(Insert politician/celebrity here) actually an alien!"

Ree-hee-tarded! (Sorry Mr. Worth i know you hate that word!)

People get a real job... or if you insist on printing false stories... write non-fiction books...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Where'd this post go?

This post has been removed by the request of the author and creator of this poem... Sorry for the inconvenience...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Villainous 2some!

I wish, oh how I wish I was in a movie! I want to be a villain sooooooo bad! My ideal type of Villain, (HANDS-DOWN) is one that you just cant help but feel sorry for... 

Like (For me any way) Henry from (The book, Not the Movie) IT

I mean, He had a horrible childhood, abusive father, not the brightest crayon in the box. but even though, hes a racist, homophobic, psychopath, you still can't help but pity him just a little bit.... 

Everyone needs just a little love! 

But to get to my point.... Me and Mel (Who is probably the most amazing girl I've ever met) are going to team up and create our own villainous team... Were Called.... 



Thursday, January 22, 2009

Inauguration Day

The End of an Error is over and the Beginning of an Era has begun! Yesterday was President (Wow it feels good to get rid of the -Elect!) Obama's first (Full) day as President! And may i say.... They certainly have been eventful! First because people are amazingly paranoid, and for good measure, President Obama took the oath of office.... Twice! Once at the Inauguration... and one Today! 
Chief-Justice Roberts muffed the words for the Oath of Office and people were freaking out about it! sayin Oh blah de bla bla he really isnt president cause the Justice didnt say it right! 
Thats like a toddler complaining to his mom because his sister's cupcake has more frosting on it! Not a big deal! its no like the Chief-Justice said: I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear, that i will completely ignore the rules set in the constitution for me, so help me God... Now if that happened... Then I'd be freakin out a lil bit... 
But what he actually said was:I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear, to execute the office of the President of the united states faithfully... Faithfully is supposed to go in between To-and-Execute.... but i'm not paranoid about a lot of things and it means the same thing..... TAKE A CHILL PILL EH!?!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Rainy day? Read one of these!

Okay to some of the people that read my blog... I do read! Books are amazing! So i decided that I would write a List of my favorite Books/Writers.... Call it Marley's List, Schiendlers List parody.... Thats not appropriate....

5.Angels & Demons- Dan Brown: Amazingly well written mystery/adventure story. Precursor to The Da Vinvi Code

4. The Da Vinci Code-Dan Brown: Not quite a continuation of Angels & Demons but it essentialy deals with the same thing as Angels & Demons.

3. Any of the Harry Potter books-J.K. Rowling: I LOVE any books (usually) that involve: Magic, Teen Angst, (cough) any thing that will annoy the Christian Church (lol)

2. The Shining-Steven King: What else could you ask for? Odd occurences involving "ghosts", and the "supernatural"... Kinda messes your mind up! But in a good way.

And my favorite book of all time is.....................

1. IT-Steven King: Best book ever written! A psychopathic clown that feeds on little children, and the superglue like bond that children share when their entire existence is threatened.... Very long book, but well worth it!